Two-day thematic-oriented seminar on the topic “Knitting“
In the period of September 19-20, 2020 in the town of Pomorie, within Activity 3 “Orientation and targeting of newly arrived TCN’s on skills and interests to engage in various thematic-oriented seminars to acquire new skills and knowledge, applicable to promoting entrepreneurship, with an emphasis on female entrepreneurship among the target group“, sub-activity 3.2. “Conducting thematic-oriented seminars by interests in order to promote entrepreneurship, with an emphasis on women's entrepreneurship among newly arrived TCN’s” from the project “Fighting together against prejudices and stereotypes – TCN’s employment and entrepreneurship“, а seminar on “Knitting” was held.
The event was attended by 14 (fourteen) representatives of the target group of the project – third country nationals (TCN’s), as the aim of the seminar is to create and/or develop in the newly arrived TCN’s knowledge and skills for self-employment on the labour market and specifically, with an emphasis on promoting women's entrepreneurship.
During the event to the participants were presented:
- The goals and activities of the project “Fighting together against prejudices and stereotypes – TCN’s employment and entrepreneurship”.
- The main moments of the hand making of various knitted products by individual order and the opportunities for development that this type of entrepreneurship offers.
- The necessary products for the making of different knitwear,
- The necessary products for making various knitted products (in steps), by applying the technology “Crochet”.
- The correct selection of materials and consumables used to make various knits.
- Design, layout, colour and materials combination (types of yarn, hook sizes, threads, etc.) in the making of various knitted products and most often selected by customers in Bulgaria, incl. knitted accessories and colour combinations.
- Demonstration of handmade knitted products by individual order: reading schemes of different knits; selection of a model for making according to the level and interest of the participants; variations of techniques for making hats by individual order and elements for their decoration.
- Demonstration of handmade knitted products by individual order: reading schemes of different knitwear and choosing models for making according to the interest of the participants in the seminar; variations of techniques for making different knitted products to individual order and elements for their decoration.
The overall assessment for the two-day thematic-oriented seminar, given by the participants in it, is “excellent”. The indicated rating is a result of the processed Questionnaires for evaluation of the event, filled in by the participants.
The event ended with the distribution of Certificates to the participants, for successfully completed training in a thematic-oriented seminar on “Knitting“.